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‘Desi Rascals’ interview: Yasmin Karimi – her lovable side (yes, she has one…)

‘Desi Rascals’ interview: Yasmin Karimi – her lovable side (yes, she has one…)

September 8 2015

Yasmin Karimi is unquestionably one of the stand-out character of Series 2 of the reality TV show, but is she loved as much as she is loathed?

By Chayya Syal (ACV): How’s series 2 going for you so far*?

Yasmin Karimi (YK): I think I’m really enjoying it! I love it, but it can be really stressful at times! I feel like everything that’s going on with Adam is so stressful right now. We’ve been friends for so long and I don’t want anything to come between us. I love filming and I’m happy that I’ve sorted things out with Kavita.

(ACV):Do you feel like you’ve come across as authentic as you possibly can on screen?

YK: I’m very comfortable with cameras and stay true to myself, but sometimes, the editing team don’t get my funny side – if you know what I mean! I am brutally honest, but it doesn’t come across as rude in real life as it does on screen. When people see my SnapChat or me on social media, they’re so surprised that I’m a nice person! And they are so shocked to see me in person and say things that imply that I come across as a bitch on screen. But I definitely am my real life self, as I am very direct and honest. I guess that the tone I use is not rude, but on screen it comes across as rude.

ACV: You come across as a very self-assured and ambitious business woman, did you always want to run your own business?

Feryal Khan, Yasmin Karimi and George Pigott attend a party at Shmoyel Siddiqui's house

YK: I always knew – since I can remember – that I wanted to be a hugely successful business woman in the beauty industry. I wanted to get my education and go into the beauty industry with that backing, because I feel like a lot of people judge those in beauty and fashion. I got my business degree, a law degree and worked my way up – it was to prove to myself and to other people that I can work in the corporate world as well. It gave me the skills to start my own business and the self-motivation needed to sustain it on a daily basis. I’ve always wanted to be famous but for myself as a successful businesswoman; I never thought I’d end up in a reality TV show!

ACV: How did that come about?

YK: I was contacted, after meeting a random person in the street (in London Bridge) one day, and she said: “You’re going to become really famous – and not just famous in this country but worldwide.” I looked at her, thought she was a freak and didn’t take much from it. Two months later, I got a random message (it happens a lot and I never really respond to my Facebook messages as I usually get ones asking me to appear in movies which I ignore) with the details of the show. That woman from London Bridge came back into my mind. So, I went along to an interview and next thing I know they wanted me to be on the TV show! I still didn’t take it seriously, until I was sent a contact three months later!

ACV: Have you always been so sure about things, your life and ambitions?

YK: I know what I want and have a vision. The only thing in my life, that I don’t know what I want, is one of the most sensitive topics. It’s marriage. I don’t know if I want to get married or be married, even if guys come across in my life I question it. With everything else I’m so fearless; I love taking risks but that’s because nothing else in my life will break my heart in the way that guys will. For me, that’s quite scary because I’ve been there before twice and both times were so bad; one saw my whole wedding go because he disappeared a month before we were supposed to get married. I think that emotional heart ache is unbearable – I don’t think there’s anything worse than that. There are so many different types of love that exist, but the love that exists for your boyfriend/husband is completely different. When they say ‘love is blind’, it really is.

ACV: The other week, you spoke about feeling like a failure as an Asian woman, it’s something that many Asian women can relate to. Where did that idea of failure come from?

YK: I think ultimately I’m very traditional, as much as I’m an independent and successful business woman. I think that a man’s job is to provide for a woman and a woman’s job is to be a mother and a wife. I can get all the success that I want, but my goal would always be to be a good daughter, amazing wife and mother. I’m 29 and I don’t have that; it feels really sad.

ACV: There have been a lot of arguments on series 2 so far! Do you think that the arguments between various cast members and between yourself and Adam will get resolved?

Yasmin Karimi in Adam Micaelides' car

YK: Generally, with arguments, I’m not happy with all the drama. I feel it’s too intense and for Owais to have gotten involved with Feryal was harsh and not needed. Yes he’s remorseful, but as a man he shouldn’t have been getting involved. I love the girls on the show, and some of the guys, but it’s amazing how some of them are so over sensitive, petty and really hate on some of the girls.
I think my argument with Adam will be resolved. I’m not too bothered, because I feel like I’ve not done anything in wrong and I did it accidentally. It wasn’t my intention to hurt him, but I’ve apologised a lot for it, out of respect for our long-term friendship. If we weren’t friends, I wouldn’t have bothered. I felt he was out of order; every time he wants me to be honest he throws it back in my face. I think it’s because he can’t handle it. But Adam and I will always be friends
(They fell out badly again, but a reconciliation of sorts is hinted at in the final episode airing tomorrow evening).

ACV: In comparison to the other cast members, you’re relatively detached, as you don’t seem to get involved with all the drama that goes on. Is there a reason for that?

YK: To be honest, I’m a drama-free person – despite how I’ve come across in this series! Unless someone physically comes and says something to me, I will defend myself and I will not go out of my way to confront others. I’ve got a busy life, my business and my family; I don’t have time for other drama. Friends are there to make you laugh and smile; not to give you drama. If they do then they’re instantly out of my life and I don’t regret that. Nothing annoys me more than people being disloyal and dishonest.

Is Adam the man for Yasmin?

ACV: Series 2 has seen many new arrivals and faces grace our screens. One which particularly stands out is George. How do you two know each other?

YK: I met him when he was quite young as my uncle and his mum have been dating for a long time. He was probably 13-14, when we met, but he’s so tall and mature for his age, I didn’t know how old he actually was! He became my friend and wanted to help in my business. He didn’t want to go to university after doing his GCSEs and A-Levels – but I stressed it was, because education and university are important – but he wanted to move to London and be my PA. I think we get along so well because we’re both ambitious and brutally honest as well! He’s amazing and I wouldn’t be surprised if I made him director of my company one day – he is incredible!

Top picture: Yasmin Karimi (centre) with George Pigott & matchmaker Zane Sully

*Interview conducted before episode 6 aired August 26

  • The final episode of ‘Desi Rascals’ Series 2 airs Sky 1 at Wednesday, 8pm


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Written by Asian Culture Vulture


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