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‘Dreaming of Words’ One man’s charming obsession with South Indian languages – Bird Eye Review Show Series 2 Episode 6 (video)

If you are fascinated by Indian languages…and even if you aren’t

INDIA has a multiplicity of languages – and while South Indian tongues are related – they are also quite different.
Despite being derived from Tamil – Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu have significant differences and this documentary looks at a man who has dedicated his life to these languages and what makes them both similar and different.
But Njattyella Sreedharan is no academic – just an ordinary everyman who started to explore the subject and became an expert. He didn’t get any funding and eventually had enough material to get a dictionary published. This documentary recognises his achievements and talks to people who appreciate the scale of his task.
A beautiful documentary and a fascinating subject – but what did Nat make of it all…
As you know, our Nat is learning Hindi – so we throw that into the mix and her take on this documentary and what do the languages tell us about the culture of the South, if anything…
The Bird Eye Review Show drops every first and third Friday (British Summer Time) until May 2022…

The Bird Eye Review Show drops on every first and third Friday of the month until May 2022

#birdeyereviewshow #acvbers

Production credits
A Big Talent Media Production for asianculturevulture
Presenter/Editor: Natalie Barrass (
Extra script: Roy Daniel D’Silva

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Written by Asian Culture Vulture