Rising star is slick and isn’t frightened of humouring big targets…
By Dimple Pau
‘MADE IN BRITAIN’ was pretty much the perfect final show of the Alchemy Festival and personally, a welcome break from the general tension encapsulating the country right now.
His reenactment of his discussion with a DJ in trying to request ‘that’ Jay-Z song was brilliantly played out and led to some hilarious breakdancing to Panjabi MC.
It almost felt like the first half of the show was Tez releasing any tension out of the room, and he did this with some very clever jokes that were inoffensive, current, yet comfortable to laugh at.
The words: ‘If Isis walked in right now…’, literally made everybody hold tight and drink a bigger sip than usual, wondering how this could possibly be heading to somewhere funny…
But when followed up with explaining his life saving tip of just pretending you’re with them, the thunder of laughter was a universal sigh of relief.
Later in the show, we learn more about Tez, his parents’ thoughts on his job choice and how by his brother becoming a doctor, he was ‘taking one for the team’.
His style was very fitting for the material, at times a gentle pace and slow delivery and at other times, coming from a ‘c’mon guys, we’re all in this together’ place.
Overall there were moments of ‘OMA!’ (a little code for you to crack), moments that were a little serious and moments that brought everyone together in a strange climax.
ACV rating: **** (out of five)
‘Made in Britain’ by Tez Ilyas brought the curtain down on the 10-day multi-arts South Asian themed Alchemy Festival on Monday, May 29