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Cannes 2019 – picture gallery from Cannes Film Festival 72

Cannes 2019 – picture gallery from Cannes Film Festival 72

Better late than never, eh?

HELLO everyone, welcome to our Cannes Film Festival gallery page…yes, a little later than anticipated…haha…let’s just say we’ve been rather busy…ever since our return, it’s been pretty much one festival followed by another and we are still editing our videos too…check all the Cannes stories to date here and don’t forget to subscribe to Youtube…there’s more coming there, so best to be in the loop, as it were…

Read the captions, some things came off while others didn’t – you’ve seen our introduction to the festival and our end, ok?

Here they are in case you missed…

A big thanks to the team that made our 5th year of Cannes with video, a special one…do see our YT videos – if you want to comment, please go to our Facebook post on this… thanks! See you all on that side… (Sailesh)

To view, click on picture and use arrows by moving cursor to the middle; to close picture, click x on top right; to close gallery, click outside the picture frame…

For caption only, hover cursor over picture – enjoy!

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Written by Asian Culture Vulture