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Ashanti Omkar – one year on and creating broadcasting history…

Ashanti Omkar – one year on and creating broadcasting history…

December 6 2015

SOUTH INDIAN and Bollywood film expert Ashanti Omkar recently marked a year of broadcasting her Sunday afternoon BBC Asian Network Show.
Dedicated mostly to South Indian and Sri Lankan music, the 2-4pm weekly radio show, is the first English language broadcast of its scope – certainly in the UK, and possibly even further afield.
She routinely interviews some of the biggest stars from South India and Sri Lanka and while much of her show is about music, it also covers film, and more general aspects of the culture, especially its food.
After a short break, Omkar returns to the hot seat today and we caught up with the broadcaster – who is also the Bollywood expert for BBC London and BBC West Midlands and is also an entertainment and film consultant too.
She left the corporate world, following her degree in marketing and management with computer science at Royal Holloway, University of London, to pursue a career in the media… (ACV): What have been the highlights of the show for you as a broadcaster over the year gone?

Ashanti Omkar (AO): The best moments are many, especially when I was able to add original English songs written and performed by musicians of the diaspora, to the 20-23 songs I play per show, and covering nine languages (English, Tamil, Malayalam, Tulu, Konkani, Kannada, Telugu, Sanskrit, Sinhalese).
When Mark Strippel (head of the BBC Asian Network and the executive who commissioned the show) said “go make history”, ahead of my first broadcast, I was nervous, yet excited beyond belief, to be able to showcase such a wide array of music, never before showcased at the BBC, and actually, this show is totally unique, worldwide, as the attempt has never been made before, to broadcast a show delivered in English language, which covers the broad spectrum of South India and Sri Lanka, and the diaspora. To make the show flow sonically, was a challenge that really excited me.
The highlights have included having an exclusive chat with the BAFTA, Golden Globe, double Grammy and double Oscar winner, AR Rahman, as my first show of 2015, to having British Liverpudlian actress and beauty queen, Amy Jackson live in the studio, on show 2, as she is big in Tamil cinema! I’ve also loved the broad amount of talent showcased, from the world of music, such as South Indian Classical singer Emmanuelle Martin, who is Caucasian French, and trained by the best in India.
I also had the director of “Baahubali”, SS Rajamouli, over the line from India, a week before the release of what is India’s most expensive film to date, which has broken all kinds of worldwide box office records, taking nearly £2 million on just opening day, outside India, and nearly £5 million in India alone. Twitter went frenzy when this interview happened, and we enjoyed it thoroughly, as we also had one of the key actors from the film, dial in from Hyderabad, India, on the weekend of release.

Tamil film star Liverpudlian Amy Jackson with Ashanti Omkar

ACV: What do you feel is the purpose of the show in broad terms?

AO: To keep making people smile, by giving them a mix of education with entertainment. I also would like to help to break down barriers and empower artists – by providing them with a platform for them to express themselves. In our culture, we have this idea of a “guru from afar” – people that inspire your life, spiritually, who are teachers that you may never meet, but those who you can grow and learn from, just by watching their strides.

ACV: How did the show come about more precisely?

AO: Mark Strippel had a very clear idea of the different communities in the UK, and what the BBC Music team felt was missing in the sound of the station.
My work had always included a pan-Indian focus, from film to music, which is also reflected on my social media, and they felt that I would be the right person.
I had quite a lot of insight into South India, and Sri Lanka, having travelled extensively in the region and going to places like Colombo and Peradeniya (where I was born, when my father was a lecturer there – he hails from Jaffna, but was raised in Colombo), as well as spending time in Chennai, and Bengaluru since 2001.
I had also travelled through Kerala in 2005, and had experienced other places where South Indian and Sri Lankan culture thrived, such as in Singapore, Malaysia, and Toronto, Canada.
Chennai became like a second home to me, in many ways, culturally; and I found I could fit in, as I have spoken Tamil since I was about 13.
We met and discussed the scope of the show and I did a successful pilot in Autumn 2014 and I was on the airwaves for Diwali 2014, and just over a year later, the show is into year 2!

ACV: How is the show put together? How do you decide what music will be played for example?

Pop star and actor Karen David with Ashanti Omkar

AO: The BBC Asian Network is not only a UK national radio station, on DAB, Satellite and on BBC iPlayer, but it can also be streamed from the world over, online.
This meant that catering to the demographic, with a great musical curation, was the key aspect of the show, alongside its guests.
The key was to focus on the UK film release schedule, in terms of content – basically, the music from films out now, or films about to release. This includes films in Tamil and Malayalam, which form the core of what UK cinemas show. Telugu and Kannada films are not shown in the cinema, but the diaspora exists, so it is about hand picking music that reflects what is popular, but also fits the show’s unique “flow” of music, which is to suit the Sunday afternoon audience.
Sri Lanka produces very few films a year, unlike South India, which produces over 600 films out of the 1,000 that come out from India, in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada, as well as languages like Tulu, and Konkani.
But Sri Lanka has a very well read diaspora, with a lot of talent, the world over. A lot of music comes from artistes of the diaspora, and from different parts of Sri Lanka, such as Kandy, or Puttalam, Batticaloa, and of course, Colombo (with many talented Sinhalese artistes also).
The Jaffna Tamil diaspora are also very mobilised, in terms of creating their own cinema, and music, and doing a lot of cross world collaborations.
Every show also has a guest, mainly from the musical arena, but I’ve had a few chefs, including a Michelin starred one, and quite a few movie makers, as well as actors and actresses, who I’ve had live in the studio, or pre-recorded, but also those we’ve connected to, in Chennai and Malaysia, who have had new films or albums, or in some instances, special singles, releasing.

ACV: What has been the reaction to the show ?

AO: A lot of feedback comes from social media, both public and private, as well as meeting with listeners, at events. I was surprised and very pleased, for instance, at the Milapfest Indian Classical Music awards, when four young people approached me as the ceremony ended, and wanted selfies, and told me how they not only listen in and love the show, but how they’ve also got their families tuning in, every Sunday.
It’s been heartening to have such a lot of support from the communities, like the Kerala Link in the UK, the World Tamil Organisation, UK, as well as the Kannadigaru. They are all pleased that the BBC is catering to their demographics, and have sown immense support. I had one well known singer from India telling me that there was no such show that unified South India, in India, and that this was the only one, in the world, especially as it covers films, film music, as well as giving support to the independent and Classical music scenes, which remain very under-represented in media in general.

South Indian music star Inno Genga and Ashanti Omkar

ACV: As something of a champion of South India and Sri Lanka, do you think there is much an appreciation of South Indian/ Sr Lankan culture in the UK and wider afield?

AO: I believe that the visibility is growing day by day. Soho has a place for Appams aka Hoppers, and there are many talents from the diaspora, on the rise, from Amy Jackson, who has been a part of South Indian cinema for a while, Sendhil Ramanurthy, Mindy Kaling (half Tamil), and Aziz Ansari – American Tamils making waves on TV, the likes of Shah Rukh Khan (his mother is from Hyderabad) and Priyanka Chopra, both half South Indian, ruling the box office, Mangalorean Tulu speaking beauty, Aishwariya Rai Bachchan stealing headlines, and Deepika Padukone, who was raised in Bangalore, to Konkani Parents, giving back to back hit films.
Double Grammy and Oscar winner AR Rahman continues to make music that the world is noticing, from South Indian cinema to Bollywood and Hollywood, Dr L Subramaniam is taking his brand of classical music to the world, maestro Ilayaraja hits his 1000th soundtrack, and UK musicians like Dr Jyotsna Srikanth are putting on their own London based festivals.
Diaspora talents like comedian Dayan Shan has been taking over social media with his unique world view, as well as British homegrown musicians like T Pirashanna who works closely with Anoushka Shankar (who is also half South Indian), music producer Charles Bosco, who recently worked with Anirudh Ravichander, as well as AR Rahman, British Sri Lankan singer Arjun who signed with T Series in India, as well as heartthrob singer Inno Genga, who was part of an iTunes India number one album, with young Chennai composer, Leon James (beating the big Bollywood releases that week, may I add).

ACV: Have you seen changes in the way people in the UK react to South Indian and/or Sri Lankan culture?

AO: Nowadays, when I tell people that I was born in Sri Lanka, very few ask where it is, and more often than not, they have actually visited the island, or have tried the food, and will share their stories fondly.
I believe that shows like this one will continue to showcase the best of the South, and I have a lot of people who are not from the region listen to my show. They enjoy the very different music, which has a more classical and folk base, with strong rhythms (Carnatic music which is from the South of India, not only has an infinite number of scales, leading to interesting melodies, but also has 35 basic rhythmic structures).
I come from a musical family, and studied the Classical form since the age of seven, and even presented some of it in my GCSE in music. It is a part of my show that is very close to my heart.
And of course the show is accessible to anyone with a computer and an internet connection and can engage with what we are doing through any form of social media…


  • Listen to Ashanti Omkar, every Sunday 2pm-4pm
  • Listen to previous editions/clips/news on show:
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    Written by Asian Culture Vulture


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    483. Click Here · February 15, 2023

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      […]Here is a good Weblog You may Obtain Fascinating that we Encourage You[…]

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    487. Click Here · February 15, 2023

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      […]although web-sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not connected to ours, we feel they’re in fact worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

    488. Click Here · February 16, 2023

      Click Here

      […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine several unrelated information, nevertheless definitely really worth taking a look, whoa did one particular study about Mid East has got much more problerms too […]

    489. Click Here · February 16, 2023

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      […]Here are several of the internet sites we recommend for our visitors[…]

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    491. Click Here · February 17, 2023

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      […]the time to study or go to the subject material or web pages we’ve linked to below the[…]

    492. Click Here · February 17, 2023

      Click Here

      […]we came across a cool web-site that you may delight in. Take a appear when you want[…]

    493. · February 17, 2023

      […]below you will discover the link to some web sites that we feel you should visit[…]

    494. Click Here · February 17, 2023

      Click Here

      […]check beneath, are some totally unrelated web sites to ours, nevertheless, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

    495. Click Here · February 18, 2023

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      […]The info mentioned in the post are a few of the most effective offered […]

    496. Click Here · February 18, 2023

      Click Here

      […]below you’ll come across the link to some sites that we assume it is best to visit[…]

    497. Click Here · February 19, 2023

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      […]Here is an excellent Blog You may Find Exciting that we Encourage You[…]

    498. Click Here · February 19, 2023

      Click Here

      […]although sites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we feel they are in fact really worth a go as a result of, so possess a look[…]

    499. Click Here · February 20, 2023

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      […]here are some hyperlinks to web-sites that we link to simply because we believe they may be really worth visiting[…]

    500. Click Here · February 20, 2023

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      […]very few internet sites that occur to be comprehensive beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly effectively really worth checking out[…]

    501. Click Here · February 21, 2023

      Click Here

      […]that could be the end of this report. Here you’ll locate some internet sites that we believe you will appreciate, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

    502. Click Here · February 21, 2023

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      […]the time to study or pay a visit to the content material or web pages we have linked to beneath the[…]

    503. Click Here · February 21, 2023

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      […]very few web sites that come about to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well really worth checking out[…]

    504. Click Here · February 22, 2023

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      […]that will be the finish of this report. Right here you will uncover some web-sites that we consider you’ll value, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

    505. Click Here · February 22, 2023

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      […]usually posts some extremely intriguing stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    506. Click Here · February 22, 2023

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      […]check beneath, are some totally unrelated web sites to ours, however, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

    507. earning apps · February 22, 2023

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      […]that could be the finish of this post. Here you will come across some web pages that we assume you will enjoy, just click the links over[…]

    508. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]that may be the end of this article. Here you’ll discover some web sites that we assume you will appreciate, just click the links over[…]

    509. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]usually posts some incredibly fascinating stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    510. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]here are some links to web sites that we link to since we assume they’re really worth visiting[…]

    511. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]please pay a visit to the internet sites we adhere to, including this 1, as it represents our picks through the web[…]

    512. Click Here · February 23, 2023

      Click Here

      […]although web sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not related to ours, we really feel they are truly really worth a go via, so have a look[…]

    513. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]we came across a cool website which you could possibly get pleasure from. Take a search in case you want[…]

    514. Click Here · February 23, 2023

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      […]below you will uncover the link to some web pages that we believe you should visit[…]

    515. Click Here · February 24, 2023

      Click Here

      […]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I love but really don’t get lots of link really like from[…]

    516. Click Here · February 24, 2023

      Click Here

      […]Here is a superb Weblog You might Find Exciting that we Encourage You[…]

    517. Click Here · February 24, 2023

      Click Here

      […]usually posts some really intriguing stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    518. Click Here · February 24, 2023

      Click Here

      […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]

    519. Click Here · February 25, 2023

      Click Here

      […]here are some hyperlinks to websites that we link to for the reason that we feel they may be really worth visiting[…]

    520. Click Here · February 25, 2023

      Click Here

      […]the time to study or check out the content or sites we have linked to beneath the[…]

    521. Click Here · February 25, 2023

      Click Here

      […]always a huge fan of linking to bloggers that I really like but really don’t get a great deal of link adore from[…]

    522. 실제 현금 카지노 · February 26, 2023

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    523. 카지노 보너스 및 프로모션 · February 26, 2023

      카지노 보너스 및 프로모션

      […]that will be the end of this article. Here you will locate some websites that we believe you will value, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

    524. bestdomainportfolio · February 28, 2023


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    526. cardano stake pool ranking · March 3, 2023

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    528. Google reviews · March 7, 2023

      Google reviews

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    529. How to start OnlyFans Australia · March 9, 2023

      How to start OnlyFans Australia

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    530. reputation defenders · March 12, 2023

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    531. 2023 Books · March 20, 2023

      2023 Books

      […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a couple of unrelated data, nevertheless definitely really worth taking a search, whoa did one particular learn about Mid East has got extra problerms too […]

    532. obituaries · March 22, 2023


      […]Dead people and bereaved family and friends […]

    533. obituaries · March 23, 2023


      […]Locate a cemetery and dead people worldwide / How to Locate Someone in a Cemetery […]

    534. how to analyse matches for betting · March 31, 2023

      how to analyse matches for betting

      […]that is the end of this report. Here you will uncover some web pages that we feel you will value, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

    535. Chirurgie esthétique Tunisie · April 2, 2023

      Chirurgie esthétique Tunisie

      […]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you need to visit[…]

    536. Chirurgiens esthétique Tunisie · April 2, 2023

      Chirurgiens esthétique Tunisie

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    537. Chirurgiens esthétique Tunisie · April 2, 2023

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      […]The information mentioned within the report are several of the most beneficial readily available […]

    538. National Chi Nan University · April 3, 2023

      National Chi Nan University

      […]just beneath, are quite a few absolutely not related websites to ours, nonetheless, they may be certainly worth going over[…]

    539. Academic Partnerships · April 20, 2023

      Academic Partnerships

      […]we prefer to honor lots of other world wide web web sites around the net, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

    540. Diversity and inclusion · April 20, 2023

      Diversity and inclusion

      […]Here are several of the sites we advocate for our visitors[…]

    541. Faculty expertise · April 20, 2023

      Faculty expertise

      […]please check out the sites we comply with, such as this 1, as it represents our picks from the web[…]

    542. Top business degrees in Egypt · April 21, 2023

      Top business degrees in Egypt

      […]we prefer to honor numerous other web sites on the net, even though they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Below are some webpages worth checking out[…]

    543. دورات ماجستير إدارة الأعمال في مصر · April 21, 2023

      دورات ماجستير إدارة الأعمال في مصر

      […]The information mentioned within the article are a few of the ideal readily available […]

    544. منح ماجستير إدارة الأعمال في مصر · April 21, 2023

      منح ماجستير إدارة الأعمال في مصر

      […]just beneath, are many entirely not related web-sites to ours, nonetheless, they are certainly really worth going over[…]

    545. Ethical accounting practices · April 21, 2023

      Ethical accounting practices

      […]one of our guests a short while ago advised the following website[…]

    546. Leading higher education institution · April 22, 2023

      Leading higher education institution

      […]usually posts some pretty interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    547. حساب متوسط الدراجات الكلي · April 22, 2023

      حساب متوسط الدراجات الكلي

      […]one of our guests just lately advised the following website[…]

    548. Intellectual independence · April 22, 2023

      Intellectual independence

      […]usually posts some extremely interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    549. Pharmacy's PHD · April 22, 2023

      Pharmacy’s PHD

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    550. learning methods in pharmacy · April 22, 2023

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      […]we prefer to honor a lot of other web internet sites on the net, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

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    552. قسم الصيدلانيات والتكنولوجيا الصيدلانية · April 23, 2023

      قسم الصيدلانيات والتكنولوجيا الصيدلاني…

      […]usually posts some incredibly exciting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    553. بكالوريوس فى طب الفم والاسنان · April 23, 2023

      بكالوريوس فى طب الفم والاسنان

      […]we like to honor lots of other world wide web internet sites on the web, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages worth checking out[…]

    554. ماجيستير جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين · April 23, 2023

      ماجيستير جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين

      […]we came across a cool web page that you simply could get pleasure from. Take a appear when you want[…]

    555. Dental anatomy · April 23, 2023

      Dental anatomy

      […]check beneath, are some entirely unrelated web-sites to ours, nevertheless, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

    556. academic programs at the College of Engineering · April 24, 2023

      academic programs at the College of Engineering

      […]just beneath, are a lot of completely not connected web-sites to ours, on the other hand, they may be certainly worth going over[…]

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      preparing young engineers qualified to work

      […]usually posts some incredibly fascinating stuff like this. If you are new to this site[…]

    559. التعليم الهندسي · April 24, 2023

      التعليم الهندسي

      […]we prefer to honor several other world wide web web-sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Below are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

    560. Department of Computer Engineering · April 24, 2023

      Department of Computer Engineering

      […]the time to read or take a look at the subject material or web pages we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

    561. Faculty Regulations · April 24, 2023

      Faculty Regulations

      […]The facts mentioned in the write-up are a number of the top offered […]

    562. Managing Director of Schlumberger Egypt · April 25, 2023

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      […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]

    563. educational services · April 25, 2023

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      […]usually posts some quite exciting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

    564. Postgraduate Dental Programs · April 26, 2023

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      […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]

    565. Endodontic Training · April 26, 2023

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    566. the best postgrad study in Egypt · April 26, 2023

      the best postgrad study in Egypt

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    567. رسوم التقديم لجامعة المستقبل · April 27, 2023

      رسوم التقديم لجامعة المستقبل

      […]Every once in a though we pick blogs that we read. Listed below are the most current web sites that we select […]

    568. fue · June 4, 2023


      […]one of our visitors not too long ago advised the following website[…]

    569. Mechanical Engineering · June 5, 2023

      Mechanical Engineering

      […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated information, nevertheless truly really worth taking a search, whoa did 1 understand about Mid East has got much more problerms as well […]

    570. Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry · June 5, 2023

      Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

      […]one of our guests lately recommended the following website[…]

    571. · July 15, 2023

      […]although web-sites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they may be essentially worth a go by, so possess a look[…]

    572. Professional Human Resources Management education · July 16, 2023

      Professional Human Resources Management education

      […]just beneath, are quite a few entirely not associated web-sites to ours, on the other hand, they are surely worth going over[…]

    573. Quality of life · July 24, 2023

      Quality of life

      […]one of our guests recently suggested the following website[…]

    574. Hardness Tester · July 26, 2023

      Hardness Tester

      […]here are some links to sites that we link to for the reason that we believe they are worth visiting[…]

    575. قسم العقاقير والنباتات الطبية · July 26, 2023

      قسم العقاقير والنباتات الطبية

      […]very few websites that happen to become comprehensive below, from our point of view are undoubtedly very well worth checking out[…]

    576. oral and maxillofacial surgery department · July 27, 2023

      oral and maxillofacial surgery department

      […]just beneath, are numerous entirely not connected sites to ours, however, they are certainly worth going over[…]

    577. Student Success · July 28, 2023

      Student Success

      […]check below, are some completely unrelated sites to ours, even so, they’re most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

    578. Prof. Ebada Sarhan · July 30, 2023

      Prof. Ebada Sarhan

      […]Every as soon as in a though we select blogs that we read. Listed beneath would be the latest web-sites that we opt for […]

    579. برنامج إدارة الأعمال في مصر · August 1, 2023

      برنامج إدارة الأعمال في مصر

      […]please stop by the sites we follow, which includes this one, as it represents our picks in the web[…]

    580. علم العقاقير والسموم · August 1, 2023

      علم العقاقير والسموم

      […]the time to study or check out the content material or internet sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

    581. الصيدلانيات والتكنولوجيا الصيدلانية · August 1, 2023

      الصيدلانيات والتكنولوجيا الصيدلانية

      […]the time to read or check out the subject material or internet sites we have linked to beneath the[…]

    582. Application fee for future university · August 1, 2023

      Application fee for future university

      […]just beneath, are many totally not associated websites to ours, on the other hand, they may be surely really worth going over[…]

    583. Admission requirements for future university · August 2, 2023

      Admission requirements for future university

      […]please check out the web sites we adhere to, such as this a single, because it represents our picks from the web[…]

    584. Transcript requirements for future university · August 2, 2023

      Transcript requirements for future university

      […]below you will come across the link to some sites that we believe you should visit[…]

    585. Maillot de football · August 14, 2023

      Maillot de football

      […]we like to honor quite a few other world-wide-web web sites around the net, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Below are some webpages worth checking out[…]

    586. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

      Maillot de football

      […]check beneath, are some completely unrelated internet sites to ours, even so, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

    587. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

      Maillot de football

      […]very couple of web-sites that take place to become detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly very well really worth checking out[…]

    588. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

      Maillot de football

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    589. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

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      […]we came across a cool web page that you may well enjoy. Take a look in case you want[…]

    590. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

      Maillot de football

      […]below you will uncover the link to some sites that we feel you ought to visit[…]

    591. Maillot de football · August 15, 2023

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    592. Maillot de football · August 16, 2023

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    593. Maillot de football · August 16, 2023

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    594. Maillot de football · August 16, 2023

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    595. SEOSolutionVIP Fiverr · September 5, 2023

      SEOSolutionVIP Fiverr

      […]always a significant fan of linking to bloggers that I enjoy but don’t get lots of link really like from[…]

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    607. Fiverr Earn · October 8, 2023

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    608. Il miglior prezzo per profilo led soffitto · October 9, 2023

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    609. Profilo led per cartongesso al miglior prezzo · October 9, 2023

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      […]just beneath, are quite a few entirely not connected internet sites to ours, nonetheless, they may be surely really worth going over[…]

    610. · October 9, 2023

      […]that is the end of this write-up. Here you’ll locate some websites that we believe you’ll value, just click the links over[…]

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      […]just beneath, are many completely not related websites to ours, nevertheless, they may be surely worth going over[…]

    612. · October 10, 2023

      […]below you will locate the link to some web sites that we consider you need to visit[…]

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    633. Seo marketing · October 24, 2023

      Seo marketing

      […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine some unrelated data, nevertheless truly really worth taking a search, whoa did 1 understand about Mid East has got much more problerms also […]

    634. Climate-Controlled Piano Storage · October 25, 2023

      Climate-Controlled Piano Storage

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