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LIFF 2016: Reviews – Brahman Naman; Kutrama Thandanai; Arshinagar; CRD; Toba Tek Singh

LIFF 2016: Reviews – Brahman Naman; Kutrama Thandanai; Arshinagar; CRD; Toba Tek Singh

July 23 2016

Our reviewers saw these films screened during the London Indian Film Festival…the festival continues in Birmingham till tomorrow – see the listing below…

Brahman_NamanadjA MISANTHROPIC study of upper-caste male Indian adolescence disguised as a teen sex comedy, ‘Brahman Naman’ comes on like the hornier younger brother to ‘Delhi Belly’.
But despite a few gross-out sight gags in the form of inventive, amusing masturbation set pieces, this plays less like ‘American Pie’ (you probably wouldn’t want to hang out too long with these teens) than an Anglophone 1980s Bangalore-set hybrid of Harmony Korine, Whit Stillman and Napoleon Dynamite.
Excitedly thumbing its nose at Indian morality (if not sexism), it’s a fresh, dry-as-sandpaper dramedy shaped from the dispassionate ends of US indies.
A schoolmate who pops up to brag of his sexploits provides regular laughs, but director Q and writer Naman Ramachandran seem to prefer their leads – headed by Shashank Arora as the titular Naman – somewhere between clueless and grotesque. It makes it tough to warm to these obliviously privileged, quiz-obsessed, wannabe sophisticates, presented in a form that treads between celebration, satire and self-loathing critique, but likability was probably never a priority for its makers. That bratty pledge to amorality, and abounding visual bravado (Q is a superb, energetic stylist) make this hard to forget, but you might be left with a slightly sunken, despairing feeling. (Sunil Chauhan)
ACV rating: *** ½ (out of five) 


Kutrame_ThandanaiadjSLICK and quite a departure from his award-winning child-centred and much praised ‘Kaakkaa Muttai’ (‘Crow’s Egg’), Tamil filmmaker M Manikandan’s new film is a cut above the norm – and not just in production terms.
This is a crime thriller with a difference and a neat twist that starts almost inconsequentially and grows and grows until it becomes the very point of this film.
Without wanting to give it all away, the plot device is perhaps a little crude for western sensibilities but the situation in India is different, for many reasons.
Ravi (Vidharth) is a bachelor with a steady job as a credit card late payment collector. Opposite his flat block is a mysterious and rather attractive single lady who he seemingly has a crush on. There’s a trendy young guy who is friendly with her and it merely fuels our Ravi’s jealousy.
Back at his place of work, he is mildly pursued by one of his co-workers who takes to his quiet and low key approach to life. Ravi’s medical condition lurks in the background as do the financial pressures it will inevitably exert – these three people’s fate and that of a high flying and wealthy entrepreneur involved with the beautiful neighbour become entwined following her murder.
Not sure Bollywood/Tamil commercial cinema lovers would really enjoy this, as it is far from escapism and the central male characters are morally corrupt (in a very black and white way) and perhaps Manikandan is making a very pointed assertion about some Indian men.
The central relationship premise too is a little stretched (on a personal assessment) but overall this a well-executed film with an original story and a somewhat uncomfortable conclusion. (Sailesh Ram/SR)
ACV rating:***


ArshinagaradjIT WOULD, perhaps, be churlish to lament the high days of Bengali cinema – directors Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, and Mrinal Sen and then sigh…Aparna Sen.
More seriously, this Sen, now 70, does show invention in a Shakespeare ‘Romeo & Juliet’ adaptation, remade in the contemporary suburbs of Kolkata and with two feuding ‘land mafia’ families – the Khans and the Mitras – fighting for every spoil on offer.
Into this bitter feud, Ronjoy Mitra (Dev) and Zulekha Khan (Rittika Sen) fall in love across the Hindu-Muslim divide and the outcome is predictably tragic for all.
Told in rhyming Bengali dialogue (completely lost in the English subtitles), and with some dozen songs, this film is a mish-mash and frankly, a mess.
The luminous Waheeda Rahman, once such an icon of Indian cinema, is wasted as a Khan matriarch and the miscasting of the near middle-aged Dev opposite the rather more able, believable, and teenage-looking Sen is just one offence among many in a film, which still has moments of great promise and even execution – the Sufi/Baul (folk) music is scintillating.
It looks as though Sen could not make up her mind whether she wanted to make a contemporary Bollywood fisticuff-romance tragedy or a more arty, Shakespearewallah inspired musical. (SR)
ACV rating: **


CRDadjCENTRED around a student theatre competition in Pune (home to probably the biggest concentration of young people in higher education in India), this is one hell of a ride – both good and bad.
It starts strongly and conventionally, but then goes all over the place, including a scene where the lead character dresses up a nun and quizzes writers (possibly better known in India) about masturbation. Yes, honestly. Odd and yes, very funny…
Then it goes back to its tale of ambition, power, and relationship woes involving the two central characters.
Director Krante Kanade has flair and imagination and a cute eye for the comic and the absurd – there are shades of the early transgressive voice of Q (who has gone almost wholly mainstream with ‘Brahman Naman’ now, so maybe there is a vacancy…) but it doesn’t make for a satisfying cinema experience – at least for this critic.
Kanade is a voice to watch – he may just have thrown everything at this in the hope that someone notices and enables him to make more.
He needs discipline and a stronger idea of what kind of genre (yes, really) film he really wants to make.
As a conventional drama, this might have been close to ‘Whiplash’ (2015) or perhaps with a more clinical sense of the subversive, Kanade could have produced India’s version of ‘Kentucky Fried Movie’ (1977). It had shades of that. Ditch the niceties, Krante, and just offend everyone! (SR)
ACV rating: **
ACV KFM rating: ***


Toba_Tek_SinghadjPART of international broadcaster Zee’s ‘Zeal for Unity’ slate, which looks to bring India and Pakistan closer together through films and marking 70 years of Indian Independence in 2017, much was expected of this adaptation of a short story from great ‘Partition writer’, Saadat Hasan Manto.
Director Ketan Mehta is a celebrated and singular voice, eschewing the lure and lucre of Bollywood, for a more sensitive and arty type of filmmaking, but still very Indian in colour and scope.
It is 1947 and the patients (really inmates) of a mental hospital (jail) have to be divided up according to their religious dominations and sent on their separate ways.
Of course, it is a plainly absurd notion – Manto above all (according to accounts and still rather neglected in Britain), was an acute and clearly gifted chronicler of the pain and trauma of Partition. Who are the mad people…really?
Mehta’s device of transplating Manto (Vinay Pathak) into the story by making him the governor of the institution works well and while this is a powerful ode to our better instincts and a plea to look far beyond mere labels, the film is laboured and doesn’t quite carry the pathos it should.
We don’t believe Manto can carry any responsibility for this. Some will still be moved. A great and lovely idea, but Mehta working on a low budget (£70,000), perhaps would have been better to have made this shorter and more incisive by focusing solely on the governor’s task in hand and his difficulties – with more of Manto’s own commentary. Instead, it’s a little soapy (as, perhaps, befits a TV commissioned drama) and lacks real lasting oomph. A very noble and valiant message remains though. (SR)
ACV rating: **½

More LIFF 2016 reviews

LIFF 2016: Reviews Part I – Parched; A Girl In the River; I am not he, she; Cinemawala; Ringan


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Written by Asian Culture Vulture


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    […]the time to read or stop by the material or internet sites we have linked to beneath the[…]

  768. Employee health insurance plans · September 24, 2020

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  769. health insurance broker · September 24, 2020

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  770. Employee benefits · September 24, 2020

    Employee benefits

    […]the time to study or take a look at the content material or web sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

  771. French Bull Dogs For Sale · September 25, 2020

    French Bull Dogs For Sale

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  772. Why Do Chihuahuas Shake · September 25, 2020

    Why Do Chihuahuas Shake

    […]please stop by the sites we stick to, which includes this one particular, because it represents our picks from the web[…]

  773. Blue Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale · September 25, 2020

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    […]The information and facts mentioned inside the article are a number of the best accessible […]

  774. Golden Retriever Puppies · September 25, 2020

    Golden Retriever Puppies

    […]always a large fan of linking to bloggers that I like but really don’t get quite a bit of link like from[…]

  775. Old English Bulldog · September 25, 2020

    Old English Bulldog

    […]we came across a cool website that you may well enjoy. Take a look for those who want[…]

  776. · September 26, 2020

    […]The information mentioned within the write-up are a number of the very best offered […]

  777. home goods · September 27, 2020

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    […]here are some links to web sites that we link to simply because we consider they are worth visiting[…]

  778. Medical Marijuana · September 27, 2020

    Medical Marijuana

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a number of unrelated information, nevertheless definitely really worth taking a appear, whoa did 1 master about Mid East has got additional problerms as well […]

  779. Rick Simpson Oil · September 28, 2020

    Rick Simpson Oil

    […]The information and facts talked about within the write-up are some of the very best accessible […]

  780. Hybrid Strains · September 28, 2020

    Hybrid Strains

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  781. gel nail set · September 28, 2020

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  782. Indica Strains · September 28, 2020

    Indica Strains

    […]very few internet websites that happen to be detailed beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly nicely worth checking out[…]

  783. Acapulco Gold Strain · September 29, 2020

    Acapulco Gold Strain

    […]that could be the finish of this post. Right here you will locate some web-sites that we think you will appreciate, just click the links over[…]

  784. Banana Kush Strain · September 29, 2020

    Banana Kush Strain

    […]The information and facts talked about within the write-up are some of the top offered […]

  785. stake · September 29, 2020


    […]The information mentioned inside the article are a number of the very best offered […]

  786. Blue Dream Strain · September 29, 2020

    Blue Dream Strain

    […]usually posts some pretty fascinating stuff like this. If you are new to this site[…]

  787. White Rhino Strain · September 30, 2020

    White Rhino Strain

    […]check beneath, are some totally unrelated internet websites to ours, having said that, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  788. Cinderella 99 Strain · September 30, 2020

    Cinderella 99 Strain

    […]very handful of sites that happen to become comprehensive beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly properly really worth checking out[…]

  789. Death Star Strain · October 1, 2020

    Death Star Strain

    […]here are some links to web sites that we link to due to the fact we assume they may be worth visiting[…]

  790. Working Capital · October 1, 2020

    Working Capital

    […]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I appreciate but don’t get a good deal of link enjoy from[…]

  791. Do Si Dos Strain · October 1, 2020

    Do Si Dos Strain

    […]usually posts some pretty intriguing stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  792. Golden Goat Strain · October 2, 2020

    Golden Goat Strain

    […]one of our visitors recently suggested the following website[…]

  793. Pineapple Express Strain · October 2, 2020

    Pineapple Express Strain

    […]please check out the web-sites we adhere to, including this one particular, as it represents our picks from the web[…]

  794. Maui Waui Strain · October 2, 2020

    Maui Waui Strain

    […]Here is a great Weblog You may Come across Interesting that we Encourage You[…]

  795. Bubba Kush Strain · October 2, 2020

    Bubba Kush Strain

    […]below you’ll come across the link to some web-sites that we consider you should visit[…]

  796. Gorilla Glue No 4 Strain · October 3, 2020

    Gorilla Glue No 4 Strain

    […]we came across a cool web site that you may possibly take pleasure in. Take a search when you want[…]

  797. Cherry Pie Strain · October 3, 2020

    Cherry Pie Strain

    […]usually posts some extremely fascinating stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  798. White Shark Strain · October 4, 2020

    White Shark Strain

    […]usually posts some very fascinating stuff like this. If you are new to this site[…]

  799. Strawberry Cough Strain · October 4, 2020

    Strawberry Cough Strain

    […]Every the moment in a though we decide on blogs that we study. Listed below are the latest web sites that we decide on […]

  800. True Og Strain · October 4, 2020

    True Og Strain

    […]the time to read or stop by the material or internet sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

  801. Denver SEO company · October 5, 2020

    Denver SEO company

    […]check beneath, are some totally unrelated sites to ours, nevertheless, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  802. Blue Cheese Strain · October 5, 2020

    Blue Cheese Strain

    […]although web sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not connected to ours, we really feel they may be basically really worth a go by, so have a look[…]

  803. top shelf home services · October 6, 2020

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  804. Blueberrry Strain · October 6, 2020

    Blueberrry Strain

    […]that will be the end of this report. Here you’ll uncover some web-sites that we feel you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]

  805. Hawaiian Snow Strain · October 7, 2020

    Hawaiian Snow Strain

    […]check below, are some completely unrelated sites to ours, nonetheless, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  806. Valentine X Strain · October 7, 2020

    Valentine X Strain

    […]please pay a visit to the websites we comply with, which includes this 1, because it represents our picks from the web[…]

  807. christian social media · October 7, 2020

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  808. G13 Strain · October 7, 2020

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    […]although internet sites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we feel they’re essentially worth a go by means of, so have a look[…]

  809. Black Jack Strain · October 7, 2020

    Black Jack Strain

    […]usually posts some really interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  810. Chemdawg Strain · October 7, 2020

    Chemdawg Strain

    […]always a significant fan of linking to bloggers that I really like but do not get a great deal of link appreciate from[…]

  811. Obama Og Kush Strain · October 8, 2020

    Obama Og Kush Strain

    […]one of our visitors a short while ago proposed the following website[…]

  812. Head Cheese Strain · October 8, 2020

    Head Cheese Strain

    […]although web-sites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they may be essentially worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

  813. IT Recycling newbury · October 8, 2020

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    […]usually posts some quite intriguing stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  814. Tangerine Dream Strain · October 9, 2020

    Tangerine Dream Strain

    […]check beneath, are some entirely unrelated internet websites to ours, even so, they’re most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  815. Romulan Strain · October 9, 2020

    Romulan Strain

    […]one of our guests not long ago advised the following website[…]

  816. Sour Tangie Strain · October 9, 2020

    Sour Tangie Strain

    […]the time to read or pay a visit to the content material or web pages we’ve linked to below the[…]

  817. Euforia Strain · October 9, 2020

    Euforia Strain

    […]Here is a good Blog You might Discover Exciting that we Encourage You[…]

  818. Headband Kush Strain · October 9, 2020

    Headband Kush Strain

    […]although internet websites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we feel they are really worth a go through, so possess a look[…]

  819. Henry Viii Strain · October 9, 2020

    Henry Viii Strain

    […]just beneath, are many absolutely not connected web-sites to ours, even so, they may be certainly worth going over[…]

  820. Honey Bud Strain · October 10, 2020

    Honey Bud Strain

    […]below you’ll find the link to some web-sites that we believe you ought to visit[…]

  821. Cherry Ak 47 Strain · October 10, 2020

    Cherry Ak 47 Strain

    […]although sites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we really feel they may be in fact really worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

  822. Local Seo Training Hong Kong · October 10, 2020

    Local Seo Training Hong Kong

    […]we prefer to honor many other online internet sites on the internet, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages worth checking out[…]

  823. Search Engine Optimization Training Hong Kong · October 10, 2020

    Search Engine Optimization Training Hong Kong

    […]the time to read or take a look at the content or websites we have linked to below the[…]

  824. Search Engine Optimization Training Hong Kong · October 10, 2020

    Search Engine Optimization Training Hong Kong

    […]we prefer to honor numerous other web internet sites around the net, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

  825. Super Girl Scout Cookies Strain · October 10, 2020

    Super Girl Scout Cookies Strain

    […]one of our guests not long ago advised the following website[…]

  826. Lsd Strain · October 10, 2020

    Lsd Strain

    […]always a large fan of linking to bloggers that I really like but don’t get lots of link enjoy from[…]

  827. Big Wreck Strain · October 11, 2020

    Big Wreck Strain

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine several unrelated data, nonetheless seriously really worth taking a search, whoa did 1 discover about Mid East has got extra problerms at the same time […]

  828. Amnesia Strain · October 11, 2020

    Amnesia Strain

    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not connected to ours, we feel they’re in fact really worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

  829. Wiz Khalifa Og Strain · October 11, 2020

    Wiz Khalifa Og Strain

    […]we like to honor several other net web pages on the internet, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Beneath are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

  830. 메리트카지노 · October 11, 2020


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  831. cryptoexchange · October 11, 2020


    […]usually posts some incredibly intriguing stuff like this. If you are new to this site[…]

  832. Fruity Juice Strain · October 12, 2020

    Fruity Juice Strain

    […]just beneath, are numerous completely not associated sites to ours, even so, they are certainly worth going over[…]

  833. Birman Kittens For Sale Near Me · October 12, 2020

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    […]always a significant fan of linking to bloggers that I appreciate but don’t get a whole lot of link love from[…]

  834. Fruity Thai Strain · October 12, 2020

    Fruity Thai Strain

    […]usually posts some pretty intriguing stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  835. Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale · October 12, 2020

    Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale

    […]below you’ll come across the link to some web-sites that we assume you’ll want to visit[…]

  836. cheap kittens for sale · October 12, 2020

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  837. Agent Orange Strain · October 12, 2020

    Agent Orange Strain

    […]very few internet websites that transpire to become detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly properly worth checking out[…]

  838. Platinum Gsc Strain · October 12, 2020

    Platinum Gsc Strain

    […]the time to read or stop by the content material or web-sites we’ve linked to below the[…]

  839. Buddah Og Strain · October 12, 2020

    Buddah Og Strain

    […]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I love but really don’t get a good deal of link appreciate from[…]

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  841. Flying Dragon Strain · October 12, 2020

    Flying Dragon Strain

    […]always a large fan of linking to bloggers that I like but do not get lots of link really like from[…]

  842. Blackberry Kush Strain · October 13, 2020

    Blackberry Kush Strain

    […]Every the moment in a when we decide on blogs that we study. Listed beneath are the latest web sites that we pick out […]

  843. Super Og Master Kush Strain · October 13, 2020

    Super Og Master Kush Strain

    […]Here are some of the websites we recommend for our visitors[…]

  844. Violator Kush Strain · October 13, 2020

    Violator Kush Strain

    […]Here is a superb Weblog You may Discover Intriguing that we Encourage You[…]

  845. Mango Haze Strain · October 13, 2020

    Mango Haze Strain

    […]we prefer to honor quite a few other online websites around the net, even though they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

  846. Fuma Con Dios Strain · October 13, 2020

    Fuma Con Dios Strain

    […]we came across a cool website that you just could delight in. Take a search for those who want[…]

  847. Queso Strain · October 13, 2020

    Queso Strain

    […]we came across a cool internet site that you simply could love. Take a look in case you want[…]

  848. Elephant Bud Strain · October 13, 2020

    Elephant Bud Strain

    […]just beneath, are several absolutely not related internet sites to ours, nevertheless, they are surely really worth going over[…]

  849. Tangerine Haze Strain · October 13, 2020

    Tangerine Haze Strain

    […]one of our visitors just lately proposed the following website[…]

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  852. Conspiracy Kush Strain · October 14, 2020

    Conspiracy Kush Strain

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  853. dinh cu canada · October 14, 2020

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  854. Haleys Comet Strain · October 14, 2020

    Haleys Comet Strain

    […]although internet sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not connected to ours, we feel they are truly really worth a go via, so have a look[…]

  855. marmaris rodos · October 14, 2020

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    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine several unrelated information, nonetheless definitely really worth taking a appear, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got additional problerms at the same time […]

  856. Trainwreck Strain · October 15, 2020

    Trainwreck Strain

    […]Here are a few of the web sites we advise for our visitors[…]

  857. Bible Study · October 15, 2020

    Bible Study

    […]although web-sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not connected to ours, we feel they may be really really worth a go via, so possess a look[…]

  858. money man 24 reaction · October 15, 2020

    money man 24 reaction

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I enjoy but really don’t get a great deal of link appreciate from[…]

  859. Nyc Diesel Strain · October 15, 2020

    Nyc Diesel Strain

    […]although web-sites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we really feel they may be truly really worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

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  861. Cat Piss Strain · October 15, 2020

    Cat Piss Strain

    […]usually posts some incredibly exciting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  862. Grape Ape Strain · October 15, 2020

    Grape Ape Strain

    […]that will be the finish of this post. Here you will uncover some sites that we think you’ll enjoy, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  863. Champagne Kush Strain · October 15, 2020

    Champagne Kush Strain

    […]please take a look at the sites we follow, like this one particular, as it represents our picks in the web[…]

  864. Blackberry Hashplant Strain · October 16, 2020

    Blackberry Hashplant Strain

    […]we like to honor numerous other net web sites around the web, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

  865. Himalaya Gold Strain · October 16, 2020

    Himalaya Gold Strain

    […]that will be the end of this write-up. Right here you’ll find some sites that we consider you’ll enjoy, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  866. Fire Og Kush Strain · October 16, 2020

    Fire Og Kush Strain

    […]the time to read or stop by the content or web sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

  867. Hashberry Strain · October 16, 2020

    Hashberry Strain

    […]the time to study or check out the subject material or web sites we have linked to below the[…]

  868. Hells Angel Og Strain · October 16, 2020

    Hells Angel Og Strain

    […]please go to the web-sites we follow, like this one particular, as it represents our picks from the web[…]

  869. Yeti Og Strain · October 16, 2020

    Yeti Og Strain

    […]always a large fan of linking to bloggers that I like but do not get a great deal of link enjoy from[…]

  870. Remedy Strain · October 16, 2020

    Remedy Strain

    […]Here are a few of the web pages we advise for our visitors[…]

  871. Ace Of Spades Strain · October 16, 2020

    Ace Of Spades Strain

    […]The information talked about inside the report are a few of the ideal readily available […]

  872. Sweet And Sour Strain · October 16, 2020

    Sweet And Sour Strain

    […]always a huge fan of linking to bloggers that I enjoy but really don’t get lots of link adore from[…]

  873. Cherry Kush Strain · October 16, 2020

    Cherry Kush Strain

    […]check below, are some absolutely unrelated sites to ours, however, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  874. King Louis Xiii Strain · October 16, 2020

    King Louis Xiii Strain

    […]Here is a superb Blog You might Locate Exciting that we Encourage You[…]

  875. Moby Dick Strain · October 16, 2020

    Moby Dick Strain

    […]Here are a number of the web sites we advise for our visitors[…]

  876. Super Jack Herer Strain · October 16, 2020

    Super Jack Herer Strain

    […]just beneath, are numerous absolutely not related sites to ours, even so, they’re surely really worth going over[…]

  877. Halo Og Strain · October 16, 2020

    Halo Og Strain

    […]we came across a cool site that you might get pleasure from. Take a appear in case you want[…]

  878. Blueberry Haze Strain · October 17, 2020

    Blueberry Haze Strain

    […]that could be the end of this article. Here you’ll find some internet sites that we think you will value, just click the links over[…]

  879. Arjan Ultra Haze Strain · October 17, 2020

    Arjan Ultra Haze Strain

    […]Here are a number of the websites we advocate for our visitors[…]

  880. Mango Kush Strain · October 17, 2020

    Mango Kush Strain

    […]Here is a good Weblog You might Find Fascinating that we Encourage You[…]

  881. Blues Strain · October 17, 2020

    Blues Strain

    […]Every once in a though we pick blogs that we read. Listed beneath are the most current internet sites that we pick out […]

  882. Alien Dawg Strain · October 17, 2020

    Alien Dawg Strain

    […]Every when inside a when we opt for blogs that we study. Listed below are the most recent internet sites that we choose […]

  883. Super Snowdawg Strain · October 17, 2020

    Super Snowdawg Strain

    […]check below, are some entirely unrelated web sites to ours, having said that, they’re most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  884. Super Grand Daddy Purple Strain · October 17, 2020

    Super Grand Daddy Purple Strain

    […]The information talked about inside the report are a number of the top accessible […]

  885. Pre 98 Bubba Kush Strain · October 17, 2020

    Pre 98 Bubba Kush Strain

    […]below you’ll obtain the link to some internet sites that we consider you must visit[…]

  886. mua hat macca o tphcm · October 17, 2020

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    […]always a huge fan of linking to bloggers that I adore but don’t get a whole lot of link like from[…]

  887. Critical Sensi Star Strain · October 17, 2020

    Critical Sensi Star Strain

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to simply because we assume they’re really worth visiting[…]

  888. Heavy Hitter Strain · October 17, 2020

    Heavy Hitter Strain

    […]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I adore but really don’t get a good deal of link really like from[…]

  889. Fog Strain · October 18, 2020

    Fog Strain

    […]The info mentioned within the post are some of the best obtainable […]

  890. Top 44 Strain · October 18, 2020

    Top 44 Strain

    […]Sites of interest we’ve a link to[…]

  891. بهترین سایت بازی انفجار · October 18, 2020

    بهترین سایت بازی انفجار

    […]The info talked about inside the post are a number of the most effective offered […]

  892. Blueberry Kush Strain · October 18, 2020

    Blueberry Kush Strain

    […]one of our guests recently advised the following website[…]

  893. Euphoria Strain · October 18, 2020

    Euphoria Strain

    […]Here are several of the web sites we advise for our visitors[…]

  894. Willys Wonder Strain · October 18, 2020

    Willys Wonder Strain

    […]that may be the finish of this report. Right here you will find some sites that we believe you will enjoy, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  895. Darth Vader Og Strain · October 18, 2020

    Darth Vader Og Strain

    […]usually posts some extremely interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  896. Paris Og Strain · October 18, 2020

    Paris Og Strain

    […]that could be the end of this post. Here you’ll obtain some internet sites that we feel you’ll enjoy, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  897. Huron Strain · October 18, 2020

    Huron Strain

    […]Here are some of the web pages we recommend for our visitors[…]

  898. Erkle Spacedog Strain · October 19, 2020

    Erkle Spacedog Strain

    […]very few web sites that come about to become detailed beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly well really worth checking out[…]

  899. Dj Short Blueberry Strain · October 19, 2020

    Dj Short Blueberry Strain

    […]that is the finish of this article. Right here you will come across some web pages that we consider you’ll appreciate, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  900. Yeager Strain · October 19, 2020

    Yeager Strain

    […]very handful of internet sites that come about to be in depth beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly effectively really worth checking out[…]

  901. Sweet Afghani Delicious Strain · October 19, 2020

    Sweet Afghani Delicious Strain

    […]that may be the end of this write-up. Here you’ll discover some internet sites that we believe you’ll enjoy, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  902. Jupiter Kush Strain · October 19, 2020

    Jupiter Kush Strain

    […]always a significant fan of linking to bloggers that I enjoy but do not get lots of link like from[…]

  903. Jedi Kush Strain · October 19, 2020

    Jedi Kush Strain

    […]Sites of interest we’ve a link to[…]

  904. Og Strain · October 19, 2020

    Og Strain

    […]The information talked about inside the article are some of the most beneficial accessible […]

  905. Yampa Valley Strain · October 19, 2020

    Yampa Valley Strain

    […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]

  906. Uw Strain · October 19, 2020

    Uw Strain

    […]we prefer to honor a lot of other online web sites around the net, even though they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages really worth checking out[…]

  907. Diesel Strain · October 20, 2020

    Diesel Strain

    […]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I appreciate but really don’t get a good deal of link like from[…]

  908. Incredible Hulk Strain · October 20, 2020

    Incredible Hulk Strain

    […]check beneath, are some absolutely unrelated internet websites to ours, however, they’re most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  909. Ethiopian Highlands Strain · October 20, 2020

    Ethiopian Highlands Strain

    […]although web sites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they’re really worth a go by, so possess a look[…]

  910. Island Maui Haze Strain · October 20, 2020

    Island Maui Haze Strain

    […]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]

  911. Sour Jack Strain · October 20, 2020

    Sour Jack Strain

    […]usually posts some pretty fascinating stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]

  912. Voodoo Strain · October 21, 2020

    Voodoo Strain

    […]one of our visitors not long ago recommended the following website[…]

  913. Fruit Strain · October 21, 2020

    Fruit Strain

    […]The info mentioned within the write-up are a number of the ideal obtainable […]

  914. Queen Mother Strain · October 21, 2020

    Queen Mother Strain

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine some unrelated data, nonetheless definitely worth taking a search, whoa did one particular learn about Mid East has got additional problerms too […]

  915. Haze Strain · October 21, 2020

    Haze Strain

    […]one of our visitors lately advised the following website[…]

  916. Allen Wrench Strain · October 21, 2020

    Allen Wrench Strain

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated information, nonetheless definitely really worth taking a appear, whoa did 1 understand about Mid East has got far more problerms as well […]

  917. Ocd Strain · October 21, 2020

    Ocd Strain

    […]very handful of sites that take place to become in depth beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly properly worth checking out[…]

  918. Gorilla Glue Thc Oil Strain · October 21, 2020

    Gorilla Glue Thc Oil Strain

    […]below you will find the link to some web-sites that we feel you should visit[…]

  919. Holy Grail Kush Thc Strain · October 21, 2020

    Holy Grail Kush Thc Strain

    […]that will be the finish of this post. Here you will come across some sites that we feel you will enjoy, just click the links over[…]

  920. Sour Diesel Thc Oil · October 22, 2020

    Sour Diesel Thc Oil

    […]the time to study or go to the content material or sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

  921. Amnesia Thc Oil · October 22, 2020

    Amnesia Thc Oil

    […]just beneath, are quite a few entirely not connected websites to ours, having said that, they’re certainly really worth going over[…]

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