Hardeep Singh Kohli is one of Britain’s best known comedians and TV personalities. He is at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with a new show, called ‘You-topia’. Personal, wide-ranging and tinged with a delicate and beautiful nostalgia (Remember the lolly – Zoom?), it is a very entertaining, engaging and funny show. There is also a heartwarming message contained within and it has a political edge as you might expect from someone who passionately believes in change, socialism, and Scottish independence. Do please watch right to the end… it’s funny… as is the man, see You-topia!
About the location – sorry, there was not much time and we had to make do with a basement area.
Production credits
A Big Talent Media Ltd production for http://www.asianculturevulture.com
Presenter: Sailesh Ram (http://www.twitter.com/asianculturevul)
Camera/Editing: Harry Clegg (http://www.harryclegg.com)
Producer: Suman Bhuchar for Big Talent Media (http://www.twitter.com/sumanbhuchar)